
GLOSSARY © Taylor Hinton | iStockPhoto

glos·sa·ry: a collection of brief explanations (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of difficult or obscure words or expressions. has provided this glossary of Hebrew and Greek words to aid our readers in the understanding of specialized words used in our articles.



Term Main definition


Haftarah- ThisHebrew word means "parting", "taking leave", or "conclusion".  The haftarah is a series of selections from the books of Neviim ("Prophets") of the Tanakh that is read in association with the weekly Torah portion.  The topics of the haftarah portion are usually closely associated with a topic within the Torah portion.  Pronounced HAHF tah rah.




HaShem- a Hebrew word meaning "The Name".  Just as Christian Bibles often use "LORD" as a reverential circumlocation for the four letter name of G-d, Hebrew texts use the term "HaShem" to express the Name.  Although literally pronounced as described below, during prayers the word "Adonai" (Lord) is said in its place.  Sometimes seen as Hashem.  Strong''s #8034.  Pronounced hah SHEM.




havdalah- A Hebrew word meaning "separation".  This is the name of a traditional ceremony that occurs at the end of the weekly Shabbat to delineate the sanctity of the Shabbat from the other six days of the week.  From Strong''s #914.  Pronounced HAHV dah LAH.


Torah Portion




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Yom Rishon, 11 Iyar, 5784

Sunday, May 19, 2024


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