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אמר - "Speak"

Weekly parashah #31: Emor

  • Torah: Vayikra (Leviticus) 21:1-24:23
  • Haftarah: Ezekiel (Yechezk'el) 44:15-31
  • Greek Scriptures: Luke 18-20
The Day of Atonement- Leviticus 16 - THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE


Leviticus 21:1-2

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: 'No one shall defile himself for a dead person among his people,

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The Hebrew Word

Emor (Strong's #559) a primitive root which means "to say". It is used 5195 times in 4278 verses in the Tanakh.

First use in Scripture

The first time emor is used in Scripture is in Genesis 1:3.

Genesis 1:3

Then G-d said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.


Last use in Scripture

The last time emor is used in Scripture is in Malachi 4:3.

Malachi 4:3

"You will tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing," says the LORD of hosts.


Parashah Outline

  • Regulations Concerning Priests - Leviticus 21:1
  • Sundry Rules for Priests - Leviticus 22:1
  • Flawless Animals for Sacrifice - Leviticus 22:17
  • The Appointed Times- Leviticus 23
  • The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 23:26
  • The Lamp and the Bread of the Sanctuary - Leviticus 24:1
  • An Eye for an Eye (Equal Measure) - Leviticus 24:17


Portraits of Messiah


Verse by Verse Notes


Other Observations

The moedim [appointed times] given by G-d are found in this week's parashah in Leviticus 23. Learn more about these appointed times.



56 of the traditional 613 commandments are found in this parashah:

  • 66- A kohen must not defile himself (by going to funerals or cemeteries) for anyone except relatives- Leviticus 21:1
  • 35- A kohen (priest) must not marry a divorcee- Leviticus 21:7
  • 36- A kohen must not marry a zonah (a woman who has had a Forbidden Sexual Relationship)- Leviticus 21:7
  • 37- A kohen must not marry a chalalah ("a desecrated person" party to or product of a forbidden relationship with the Kohen Gadol)- Leviticus 21:7
  • 46- To dedicate the kohen for service- Leviticus 21:8
  • 64- The Kohen HaGadol must not defile himself for any relative- Leviticus 21:11
  • 65- The Kohen HaGadol must not enter under the same roof as a corpse- Leviticus 21:11
  • 34- The Kohen HaGadol must marry a virgin maiden- Leviticus 21:13
  • 32- The Kohen HaGadol must not marry a widow- Leviticus 21:14
  • 33- The Kohen HaGadol must not have sexual relations with a widow even outside of marriage- Leviticus 21:15
  • 61- A kohen with a physical blemish must not serve- Leviticus 21:17
  • 62- A kohen with a temporary blemish must not serve- Leviticus 21:17
  • 60- A kohen with a physical blemish must not enter the sanctuary or approach the altar- Leviticus 21:23
  • 58- Impure kohanim must not do service in the temple- Leviticus 22:2 42
  • 5- An impure kohen must not eat Terumah- Leviticus 22:4
  • 59- An impure kohen, following immersion, must wait until after sundown before returning to service- Leviticus 22:7
  • 422- A non- kohen must not eat Terumah- Leviticus 22:10
  • 423- A hired worker or a Israelite bondsman of a kohen must not eat Terumah- Leviticus 22:10
  • 426- A chalalah must not eat Terumah- Leviticus 22:12
  • 277- Do not eat untithed fruits- Leviticus 22:14-15
  • 310- Do not dedicate a blemished animal for the altar- Leviticus 22:20
  • 309- To offer only unblemished animals- Leviticus 22:21
  • 316- Do not inflict wounds upon dedicated animals- Leviticus 22:21-22
  • 311- Do not slaughter a blemished animal- Leviticus 22:22
  • 313- Do not burn a blemished animal's fat- Leviticus 22:22
  • 301- Do not offer to G-d any castrated male animals- Leviticus 22:24
  • 312- Do not sprinkle a blemished animal's blood- Leviticus 22:24
  • 315- Do not sacrifice blemished animals even if offered by non-Jews- Leviticus 22:25
  • 318- To offer only animals which are at least eight days old- Leviticus 22:27
  • 279- Do not slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day- Leviticus 22:28
  • 361- Do not leave sacrifices past the time allowed for eating them- Leviticus 22:30
  • 6- To sanctify His Name- Leviticus 22:32
  • 7- Do not profane His Name- Leviticus 22:32
  • 167- To rest on the first day of Pesach- Leviticus 23:7
  • 168- Do not do prohibited labor on the first day of Pesach- Leviticus 23:7
  • 169- To rest on the seventh day of Pesach- Leviticus 23:8
  • 170- Do not do prohibited labor on the seventh day of Pesach- Leviticus 23:8
  • 352- To offer the wave offering from the meal of the new wheat- Leviticus 23:10
  • 272- Do not eat bread from new grain before the Omer- Leviticus 23:14
  • 273- Do not eat parched grains from new grain before the Omer- Leviticus 23:14
  • 274- Do not eat ripened grains from new grain before the Omer- Leviticus 23:14
  • 171- Each man must count the Omer - seven weeks from the day the new wheat offering was brought- Leviticus 23:15
  • 354- To bring two loaves to accompany the additional Shavuot offerings- Leviticus 23:17
  • 172- To rest on Shavuot- Leviticus 23:21
  • 173- Do not do prohibited labor on Shavuot- Leviticus 23:21
  • 174- To rest on Rosh Hashanah- Leviticus 23:24
  • 175- Do not do prohibited labor on Rosh Hashanah- Leviticus 23:25
  • 166- Do not eat or drink on Yom Kippur ("afflict your soul")- Leviticus 23:29
  • 163- To rest from prohibited labor on Shabbat- Leviticus 23:32
  • 164- Do not do prohibited labor on Yom Kippur- Leviticus 23:32
  • 176- To rest on Sukkot- Leviticus 23:35
  • 177- Do not do prohibited labor on Sukkot- Leviticus 23:35
  • 178- To rest on Shemini Atzeret (the eighth day of Sukkot)- Leviticus 23:36
  • 179- Do not do prohibited labor on Shemini Atzeret- Leviticus 23:36
  • 190- To take up a Lulav and Etrog all seven days of Sukkot- Leviticus 23:40
  • 189- To dwell in a Sukkah for the seven days of Sukkot- Leviticus 23:42







4278 verses that include emor ({strongsH}Strong's #559strongsH})



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Torah Portion




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Today is

Yom Sh'lishi, 15 Nisan, 5784 - Chag Hamatzah

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


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