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Names of the Book


English:  Micah
Hebrew:  מיכה
Transliterated:  Mikhah
Other names:   



Wrote the book:  Micah
Are the key people:  The people of Samaria and Jerusalem
Is it written to:  The people of the northern kingdom of Israel



The trial of the cities (Micah 1:1-2;13)
The trial of the leaders (Micah 3:1-5:15)
The trial of the people (Micah 6:1-7:20)



Was it written:  c 759 BCE
Did the events occur:  c 759 BCE
Was it canonized:  c 499-100 BCE
(see the Timeline of the Tanakh)



Was it written:  unknown
Did the events occur:  Samaria, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem



Micah was written to inform us that: 
G-d will judge false prophets.
G-d condemns the oppression of the poor, widows, and orphans.
G-d promises the King of peace.
G-d delights in faith that produces justice, humility, and obedience.



The book of Micah is history and prophecy about Judah during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Micah prophesied around the same time as Isaiah and Micah denounced the wealthy, who oppressed the poor, and warned of G-d's impending judgment. The northern kingdom of Israel fell during Micah's time as prophet and Judah was nearly conquered as well. The book alternates between a message of warning and a message of hope. Micah foretells a day of peace between all nations brought about by a ruler of Israel from Bethlehem who would save God's people from all her enemies.




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Today is

Yom Sh'lishi, 15 Nisan, 5784 - Chag Hamatzah

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


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