c 1733 BCE- Dan son of Jacob (and Bilhah) was born on this date.  (Genesis 30:5-6)

Dan also died on this date.


September 1, 1267- The Ramban, (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman or Nachmanides, 1194-1270) arrived in Jerusalem after being forced to flee his native Spain. He re-established the Jewish community there, and the synagogue he established enjoyed continuous existence until 1948. It is functional today, having been restored following the liberation of the Old City during the Six-Day War in 1967.


August 24, 1349-  The largest Jewish city in Germany was destroyed during the Black Death massacres. 6,000 Jews lost their lives in the city of Mainz.


1391- Jews of Gerona, Spain, were massacred.


September 5, 1938-  Jewish teachers and students were barred from all Italian schools.


September 1, 1941- Jews who were living in the German Reich were forced to wear the Judenstern (yellow star).


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Today is

Yom Chamishi, 17 Nisan, 5784 - Resurrection Day: He is risen!

Thursday, April 25, 2024


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