
PSALM11918.ORGOur blog provides the contributors with a channel for less formal communications with our readers.  Some of our blog entries are about personal events while others are just plain silly and fun. 

In any case, we hope you enjoy and are blessed everything you find here! :)

- The team

I get a news digest from CNN each morning and an interesting article recently came up about how people were getting ill with a rather unusual set of symptoms.  It turns out the problem was caused by a fine mist of pig brain tissue these folks were inhaling as a result of working in a slaughter house.  One of the women interviewed went from being able to walk to needing a wheelchair in 4 months.

After about 6 weeks I have finished a study regarding when Yeshua was crucified.  The "Good Friday" idea doesn't match what we find in the pages of Scripture.  I was surprised to find out what day Scripture tells us He was crucified.  Here is the article.

On Monday Fox News reported that a large crane fell and killed several people.  What is believed to be the last of the bodies were recovered today. The Associated Press reported an additional development today: a city inspector was charged with falsifying an inspection report related to the crane that collapsed.

Yes... thud. That was me. Sorry. It's 12:34 and I am BUSHED! I've been updating the site trying to get the Ultimate Tag Warrior installed for the blog only to find out it is not compatible with this version of WordPress.


I just yawned and I think I inhaled a cat. Yes... I know... not kosher. Fortunately I think I just coughed up a hairball. Sorry... that was rather too graphic. I will endeavor not to blog while I am so tired.

"... and they're off!"

Here it is.

The one... the only... inaugural blog post for the Psalm site. It's been a busy afternoon updating the page templates to match the rest of the site. The logon page still doesn't match but for now that is OK.

We have a BLOG! It's alive... alive! :)

Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Chamishi, 1 Iyar, 5784

Thursday, May 09, 2024


Learn more about this date in history.